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Check out where you

can be involved.

How can you serve as part

of the family of Christ?

AWANA      (Sept. - May)

Through AWANA, we seek to develop spiritually strong children and youth who

faithfully follow Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to show yourself

approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed,

rightfully dividing the word of truth"


Our Awana Groups: Cubbies (3 to 5 yr olds)  Sparks (K-2nd grade)

Truth and Training or T&T (3rd to 6th grade)


Yearly events and contests are held for the children along with weekly themes

and special happenings.


Check out our kids page 



SPORTS     (Jan. - June)

 Tuesday night sports are held in our gymnasium.

Volleyball and Basketball are rotated each week and

are held yearly from January to June. 


VBS - Vacation Bible School (July)

 VBS is an annual themed program bringing kids together in fun

 activities with the opportunity to learn more about a relationship

 with Jesus. We had a blast in 2023 with our Zany Zoo Adventures!

Check back for information regarding plans for 2024 as we hope

you'll join us again or plan on coming for the first time!  

PM for more info. 



This is a ministry of Samaritans Purse, where we participate in packing Christmas shoe boxes

to share the love of Christ to children around the world.  These gifts are a tool for gospel

opportunities in line with God's commission to "go unto all the world."  Mark 16:15


FOR 2024, we are collecting for the 2-4 age group. We have an annual packing party and take donations all year for the event.

Donations include hygiene items, school supplies, and crafts/toys. 

Not acceptable items are those containing liquids, any type of food or toys that represent military actions. Want more information or would like to get involved? Visit our Contact Page.


Image by Paulo Henrique Macedo Dias
Street Basketball
Children Reading the Holy Bible

Dryden Baptist Church

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607.844.8319 /

138 Virgil Road, P O Box 388

Dryden NY  13053



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